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Glory to Glory Prayer Prompts
Prayer is not what is done by us, but rather what is done by the Holy Spirit in us. -Henri Nouwen
We invite you to create space for the Holy Spirit to work within you through our Glory to Glory prayer stations. Prayer prompt/map sheets are located at the Labyrinth and in the Parlor or click here to view at home.
Outdoor Stations include:
Labyrinth, The StoryWalk®, Breathe Prayer as your walk, Pavilion, Prayer Wall, Fish Pond, & Courtyard
Indoor Stations include:
Parlor, Sanctuary, & Wilson Hall- Children’s Bulletin Board
The sanctuary will be unlocked during the office hours for you to reflect on the 14 Stations of the Cross throughout the week. Visit the indoor stations anytime the church is open and visit the outdoor stations anytime. May you have a Holy Lent.
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