Meal Ministry

Whether it is celebrating the birth of a child or supporting a family after surgery, illness or loss of a loved one, members of First Presbyterian are always there to show God's love through providing a meal. Many times, one meal is all a family or individual needs before getting back to their regular routines; however, some require lengthier meal care.

If you feel called to serve in this ministry as a preparer or deliverer of food, or if you are in need of a meal, contact Tammy Love or Ann Crim.

Visitation ministry

This ministry provides structure for members to visit with other members who are unable to attend worship or would appreciate a visit. These one on one conversations provide connections and reflect God's love. If you would like to serve in this ministry, contact Karen Hanson.

Flower Ministry

If you love and appreciate flowers, there are a number of ways you can become involved at First Presbyterian.  

Flower Donation
Anyone may donate the worship flowers in honor, memory or thanksgiving of someone. The cost is $85, and you may sign up here. We also welcome $20 donations in memory, honor, or thanksgiving of others at Easter and Advent. You may use our Giving page or send a check. 

Flower Arranging

A group of gifted people rotate their talents on a weekly basis in arranging flowers that have been sponsored by families in the congregation. The family is called to determine preferences and then ordered from a local wholesaler. The flowers are then delivered Friday afternoon to the church, where they are typically arranged Saturday morning. If you are interested in serving in this way, contact Margaret Roberts


Flower Breakdown

These beautiful arrangements grace our chancel on Sundays before being broken down each Monday morning to be distributed to members of the congregation to cheer them and let them know they are thought of, prayed for and loved during a time of challenge or celebration. If you are interested in serving in this way, contact Margaret Roberts.

Flower Delivery

Once “rearranged”, a thoughtful note is attached and delivered by our crew of dedicated drivers. These arrangements help celebrate a new addition to the family or bring a measure of joy to an otherwise difficult situation, such as prolonged illness, hospitalization or the death of a loved one. If you are interested in delivering flowers once a month, contact Betty Barcheski.

hospitality Ministry

All are welcome to serve once a month in our Hospitality Ministry. Members welcome others as they arrive for worship, hand out bulletins, and collect the offering. For more information, contact Leanne Hoeffler

prayer Shawl

Women of all ages meet to knit and enjoy fellowship. The prayer shawls are given to those needing to feel God's presence during a difficult time. Contact Karen Hanson for more information. The Prayer Shawl Ministry is taking the summer off but will resume meeting once a month in the fall.

Growth Groups are small groups that meet weekly on zoom or in person during the fall and spring seasons. This is a great way to foster deeper connections with God and others through conversations, book discussions, and prayer.

Click here for more information.