upcoming events
Help save lives by donating blood! Blood donations are critical for patients in need, and you can make a difference. The blood drive takes place January 12 in Wilson Hall from 9 AM-1 PM. To make an appointment, visit Red Cross. Use Sponsor Code FPC19. All donors will be put in a drawing to win a trip for 2 to the Super Bowl!
If you’d like to volunteer on the day of the drive or for part of it, please reach out to Randy Gottlieb.
Blanket Collection
Donations of new/gently used blankets can be placed in the “Basic Essentials Cart” in Wilson Hall through Jan. 1-17. The blankets will be delivered to Downtown Presbyterian Church who ministers to people experiencing homelessness.
Winter Potluck
Join us for the Winter Potluck February 2 following the worship service. Bring a dish to share and welcome Interim Pastor Eddie Bellis and his wife Laura Marzano.
February 8 from 8 AM - 1 PM. This five-hour class consists of a 1.5 hour PowerPoint Presentation and the rest practicing lifesaving skills and techniques. Physical training includes learning various strikes, kicks and choke releases. Dynamic training gives students the opportunity to ”fight for their life” against a predator in a padded suit. Students should dress in comfortable, athletic clothes that allow for freedom of movement. Cost is $50. Click here to register. Contact Megan Henry for more information (912-674-5227).
Flower Workshop
A workshop will be held Saturday, February 8 at 11:00 AM in the church kitchen to demonstrate arranging flowers for Sunday worship.
Lunch will be served afterward.
Join our flower committee!
Call Margaret Roberts at 615-584-4013 to RSVP
music & Arts Event
February 16 at 11:15 AM
(immediately following morning worship)
“Love is in the Air”
An Organ Mini-recital for Valentines’ Day.
Join us for Pizza & Trivia on Friday, February 22 at 5:30 PM. All ages are needed as we will divide people into teams for a fun night of friendly competition, laughter, and food.
Sign up here so we know how much pizza to order.
Join us this winter/spring for Wednesday Night Live!
Dinner, 6:00 PM
Programs for all ages, 6:45 - 7:30 PM
Bring the entire family!
Click here for dinner sign ups and to see the speaker/topic for the evening. Register all at once or by Sunday prior to the Wednesday meal. Suggested pricing: $10 per adult/youth, $5 per child, $25 family max.
Sign up here! The flowers add to our worship by reminding us of God’s creation, and then are broken down into smaller arrangements and delivered to members of our congregation as a reminder of the love of their church family and of God. The cost is $85, and you may pay online or with a check with worship flowers in the memo line. The signups are on a first come first serve basis. If you have a specific date you would like, sign up ASAP. Thank you for providing flowers each week to enhance worship.
Sisters in Spirit small group meets Fridays in the parlor.
If interested, please contact Cindy Blackburn or Martha Johnson.
The Men's Bible Study group is currently studying the book of Joshua. Join them in the Parlor any Saturday.
For more information contact Duke Ellis.