We welcome children of all ages in our worship services.
A nursery is available for children who you do not wish to bring to service.
Children ages 4 through kindergarten are given the opportunity to worship through the Children's Worship program. Children's Worship offers a way of learning that challenges our children to experience the Bible through storytelling, using a hands-on approach. The stories of God come to life using figures made of wood and other materials. The goal of this curriculum is not only to teach a story, but also to engage children in the act of worship. Trained leaders from our congregation direct the sessions each week through great stories of the church year.
Children are welcome to remain in the sanctuary for the entire worship service, or they may choose to attend Children's Worship at the conclusion of the Time with the Young Church.
Children's Worship is offered at each service on Sundays. The leaders will meet the children in the Narthex and take them to room 210. A leader will bring the kindergarten children back to the sanctuary after their Bible story where they will rejoin their family for the remainder of the service. The 4-and 5-year-olds should be picked up at the conclusion of the service.
Children's Worship Coordinator: Rhonda Moyers