2016 New Year began for FPC and a team of nine in Lesvos, working with locals and volunteers from all over the world in refugee support. We returned February 17-25, 2017, coordinating with Servant Group International, http://www.servantgroup.org/greece/
We went o Lesvos Island and worked specifically at Camp Moria. This camp experienced a major fire in September; the damage was widespread and devastating. FPC Volunteers will join in continued cleanup and in refugee support.
Words from SGI Trip Leader, Lisa Harris: "As we consider how to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our lives there are many ways to serve. The migration crisis that the world is seeing is second only to the one after World War II. None of the people who are refugees seeking asylum chose to be in this situation. They are fleeing war or the tyranny of factions seeking to control their family and conscript their children to fight. Thousands are stuck in Greece with no recourse except to wait....and wait....and wait until the people in power decide where they can be relocated. During this "waiting time" they are bored, depressed, angry, and desperately in need of people who have not forgotten them. We are those people. We cannot change their circumstances, but we can provide a listening ear, a shoulder to cry or vent on, activities to engage their mind and help serve basic necessities like food and clothing. Our mandate to love supersedes our propensity to fear. We go because Jesus compels us.”
Lesvos FPC Team: Elizabeth Stivers, Jenna Crunk, Cathy McCall, Stephanie Lampley, Chris Jones, Kim Joiner, Vance Lahey and Sharon Quintana.